Illiterate specialists, construction without technology, delays in deadlines, lack of guarantees and the use of low-quality materials are problems faced by 83% of people who decide to engage in the construction of buildings to implement their projects. In addition, unscrupulous contractors tend to take advance payments and not complete their work. Construction on your own, without a lack of experience, is a dark forest, in every corner of which threats of project failure are hidden.
The construction holding "Technosmart Engineering" not only provides a full range of services in the field of construction from preliminary design work to installation of the finished object, but also takes written responsibility for the successful and high-quality implementation of your project. The developed comprehensive system, including design, manufacturing, supply, construction and designer’s supervision, allows you to effectively resolve issues related to the construction of any facility.
Thanks to 28 years of experience, the scale of activity throughout the republic (and beyond its borders) and large volumes of construction work, services are provided at a consistently high level. Both for a full range of services and for part of the work within one service, our clients receive a quality guarantee for many years.

Most design organizations do not want to share their experience, but we openly talked about the design procedure, both for individual construction and for government orders (you can read it by clicking on the link). The development of projects is carried out by experienced specialists of the company Technosmart Engineering LLC, founded in 2014 on based on a company with 20 years of experience “Golden Project”

Interesting fact
If you add up the experience of all our employees in the field of construction and design, you will accumulate 145 years of working experience.
At this stage, an integrated approach is important, but if we describe the procedures briefly, the construction of a private house is carried out in a certain sequence
The first stage involves an interview. You communicate your requirements, specialists provide assistance in choosing a suitable project, calculate the preliminary cost, and provide answers to all your questions.
Development of project documentation. A team of specialists will develop an individual project. Schemes and drawings will be made individually.
This is especially convenient if you want to stay within a certain amount of money or are interested in a building with a non-standard layout or certain requirements.

Purchase and delivery of building materials
The first stage involves an interview. You communicate your requirements, specialists provide assistance in choosing a suitable project, calculate the preliminary cost, and provide answers to all your questions.
Development of project documentation. A team of specialists will develop an individual project. Schemes and drawings will be made individually.
This is especially convenient if you want to stay within a certain amount of money or are interested in a building with a non-standard layout or certain requirements.