Design of industrial facilities
The process of developing design documentation for an industrial facility is a long process, lasting from a month to several years, depending on the area, purpose and technical requirements for the industrial enterprise project. When designing industrial enterprises, we primarily focus on the technological requirements of the production process and only secondarily on the architecture and appearance of the building.
The quality of the design of an industrial enterprise, plant or workshop directly affects the ease of operation, optimization of an industrial enterprise for a specific technology, the cost of the final product, the service life of the buildings of the plant or industrial enterprise, and the cost of operating buildings.
As a rule, industrial enterprises are low-rise industrial buildings (often one-story), where the entire project is focused on the production of certain types of products, for the production of which the industrial enterprise project was developed.
Depending on the direction of technological use of industrial buildings and structures, the following types of industrial enterprises can be roughly distinguished:
*Pharmaceutical factories:
*Clothing factories:
*Refrigerated warehouses:
*Fishery facilities using the RAS system:
*Light and heavy industry enterprises:
Each direction of production has its own characteristics and, depending on the needs of the technology, the requirements for the design of industrial enterprises in the corresponding industry change, which we will discuss below. The cost of designing industrial enterprises can be found in the prices for designing industrial enterprises section.

A pharmaceutical enterprise refers to industrial buildings that include several zones: main production, auxiliary, energy, transport and storage - each of these zones can be represented as a separate building. On the territory of industrial production, a comprehensive solution to the issues of placement of buildings and structures, planning and landscaping of the territory, utility networks, organization of economic and cultural services systems is required.
When choosing a location for pharmaceutical production buildings, the following criteria should be taken into account: technical and economic indicators of the selected area; the possibility of locating the enterprise near the source of raw materials and reducing the routes for exporting finished products; issues of sanitary and hygienic conditions and ecology.
When designing pharmaceutical enterprises, special requirements are imposed on compliance with environmental conditions: to reduce the impact on the environment, it is necessary to correctly locate industrial enterprises in relation to residential areas, public buildings and structures, recreational areas, taking into account the prevailing wind direction
The location of the pharmaceutical production building along or at an angle of 45 ° relative to the prevailing wind direction will ensure the removal of the flow of air masses with admixtures of industrial emissions from residential and public areas of the settlement. The location of the pharmaceutical production facility on a gentler slope also contributes to better ventilation of the area.
The ecology of pharmaceutical enterprises requires both the protection of the industrial facility from environmental influences and the protection of the external environment from pharmaceutical production. Air protection from emissions, odors and noise of a pharmaceutical enterprise is ensured by the mandatory planting of a sanitary protection strip around the territory of the production enterprise. On the other hand, the feasibility of reducing the amount of atmospheric pollution and reducing the load on internal
production air purification systems requires the placement of industrial buildings at the proper distance from large industries and large transport routes.
Fishing facilities using the RAS system
The name “recirculated water supply installation” literally implies complete regeneration of water and its use an infinite number of times for the purpose of water supply to fish tanks. This RAS must be drainless.
The need for fresh water for such installations is determined only by water losses due to evaporation, with waste removed from the system in the form of fish sediment, for leaks in the equipment system and for other purposes not related to water quality (for example, for filling transport tanks when shipping products ).
The usual need for such installations to replenish water to replenish losses is from 2 to 5% of the total volume of water in the system per day.
It is important to know that the main process of biological regeneration of the chemical composition of water is the release of circulating water from nitrogen compounds entering the system as a result of the vital activity of farmed fish. At the same time, at the stage of aerobic biological treatment, the nitrogen of organic compounds in the form of excrement and uneaten and washed away feed is converted into inorganic form (ammonium nitrogen), the transfer of ammonia nitrogen formed during the decomposition of organic contaminants and released by fish during the performance of physiological functions through the gills , kidneys and skin, into nitrite (under-oxidized) form, and then into nitrate. The nitrogen conversion steps are performed by different groups of the microbial population of the biofilm of biological treatment devices. This completes the process of aerobic transformation of nitrogen compounds.
The use of this technology makes it possible to isolate fish from external pathogens and unfavorable conditions, increase productivity and save operating costs, while it is important to pay great attention to the design part. Success is possible only with proper calculation and consideration of all factors.
Do you want to build the fish farm of your dreams? TechnnoSmart Engineering will take responsibility for the competent preparation of the project and its implementation. You can get more detailed information by calling; (78) 150 33 99